Urgent-Council Meeting – Tuesday 7-12-22 at 6 PM in Borough Hall – Zoom – Available- Crucial Vote Regarding the Church/Community Center- Your participation is crucial!
At the Council Meeting this Tuesday, July 12, 2022, the Council will vote on a resolution to award a $ 209,000 bid to Arista Builder and Designers Inc. to do the work necessary to protect the town’s investment in the Historic Methodist Church. Please attend the meeting to express your belief in the necessity of doing this work. This will allow time for honest exploration of funding sources, scope of work, and the building’s value to our town. The heat must be on in the building before the next freeze-thaw cycle in October, or this unique resource will be lost to passive neglect as opposed to an active, informed public decision.
Please do not be disheartened by the huge number announced by the mayor for renovation and remodeling. This number represents far more work and far more reconfiguration than is necessary or, in our view, even desirable. We are not looking to create the “Taj Mahal” based on “blue sky” assumptions, and the architects’ instructions to create a wish list without regard to cost.
The creation of the Community Center was conceived as one of preservation and working together as a community over time. The building is an irreplaceable public resource that has been neglected over the last two and a half years. Please attend the meeting either in person, or via Zoom, and urge the Mayor and Council to approve the bid. You may also choose to appeal to them in advance of the meeting.