Town Hall/Q&A Community Center Proposal

The first half hour was allocated to residents to review the three proposals by the architects. The floor was then opened up for questions. Most of the questions hit on three topics: Parking, Cost, Why did we purchase, and who makes the final decision.

As in the previous meeting, it was stated that if any parking could be provided, it would be a small lot.

Mayor Fox explained that of the three proposals, they were all with a plus or minus 15% of each other. That being said, we need to select an option for the architects to give us an estimate. Which would take about six weeks.

Several people asked why we bought the property and it was explained to 1) preserve and historic building and 2) create a one of a kind community center. It was further explained that while we purchased for $1.3 million, the property value has more than doubled. If we choose not to renovate, the property could support four single family homes.

Mayor Fox said that while a final decision has not been made on holding a public referendum, the council is leaning that way.

Several people asked for a mailing to be sent to all residents to get their views.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Rosemary Venter

    The meeting was orderly and helpful. I appreciated that it was not drawn out and that information that was available was given to the public. I wish regular council meetings could be done as expeditiously. Thank you to all who participated.

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